The great thing about getting older is that you don`t lose all the other ages you`ve been. - Madeleine L`Engle.
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I`ve dog-eared, underlined, and marked up each of the books I`ve read of L`Engle`s work. Her words help refine my perspective on life, faith, art, and purpose. 10 Favorite Quotes by Madeleine L`Engle.
DSC_4355-5bw. Thank you for the wonderful book recommendations! Thank you also to those of you who joined Good Reads and added me. It really is so fun to look thru your books and to see what you loved and did not& ...
Madeleine L`Engle quotations, sayings. Famous quotes of Madeleine L`Engle, Madeleine L`Engle photos. Madeleine L`Engle Quotes.
The great thing about getting older is that you don`t lose all the other ages you`ve been. - Madeleine L`Engle.
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