The Newcastle Chamber of Commerce will host Robin Callahan, executive director of the Issaquah Schools Foundation, at its Aug. 14 luncheon. Callahan will discuss the power of small business investment in public& ...
issaquah schools
The Issaquah School District is holding two surplus sales on a variety of equipment, books, furniture, televisions and other items. The first sale will be held Aug. 26 from 11 a.m. to noon at the May Valley Service Center, 16430& ...
There were some conclusive patterns demonstrated by months-long research into the homework practices of Issaquah School District students. Results of the district`s homework survey were presented to the Issaquah School& ...
When Jim Enfield wants to know the whereabouts of a bus, he doesn`t have to pick up a radio and wait for the driver to respond. The answer is at his fingertips. Enfield, the shop foreman for the Issaquah School District`s& ...
The Newcastle Chamber of Commerce will host Robin Callahan, executive director of the Issaquah Schools Foundation, at its Aug. 14 luncheon. Callahan will discuss the power of small business investment in public& ...
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